PCI Compliance is hard.
We make it easy.

A Patented, All-in-one Data Security Platform for PCI Compliance

DataStealth for PCI Audit Scope Reduction dramatically reduces the scope of your annual PCI audit without the need for any code changes and is 100% transparent
Trusted by Enterprises Worldwide

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) was created to ensure that every payment card transaction is facilitated in a secure environment. Today, all organizations that store, process, or transmit payment card information must conduct PCI compliance audits annually.

Unfortunately, as security complexity has increased, so have the requirements for PCI compliance. Under PCI DSS 4.0, the number of requirements that must be met can be as high as 252 separate requirements. This presents merchants and service providers with an expensive, exhausting, and resource-intensive obligation.

An image example of a credit card and how the card number can be tokenized to protect the original numbers' security.

The greater the risk.  
The higher the requirements.

In an effort to manage risk appropriately, the PCI DSS standard developed various requirement levels, which change based on the method under which payments are processed.

Self Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs)

Card-not-present merchants that have fully outsourced all cardholder data functions.
31 Requirements
E-commerce merchants who outsource all payment processing and who have a website that doesn't directly receive cardholder data.
151 Requirements
All merchants not included in descriptions for the other SAQ types.
252 Requirements

What if you could dramatically reduce the number of applicable requirements, and could reduce the number of systems in scope for your annual PCI audit?

DataStealth for PCI Audit Scope Reduction

DataStealth for PCI Audit Scope Reduction tokenizes payment cards before they arrive in your environment, and de-tokenize payment cards after they leave.

Hosted & Managed Data Protection

Instead of purchasing and installing a software product that requires you to implement, manage, and maintain it using your valuable and expensive resources, DataStealth offers a hosted managed service that is fast and easy to deploy, where we take care of everything for you.

...and by the way, we know a thing or two about PCI Compliance... two hundred and fifty two to be exact

PCI Security Standards Council Associate Participating Organization Logo.
PCI Service Provider Level 1

DataStealth is QSA audited annually and is a Service Provider Level 1 organization

PCI Security Standards Council

DataStealth is a Participating Organization of the PCI Security Standards Council.

"O% chance of payment card theft"

Payment Card Security

Having no payment cards anywhere in your environment provides an additional benefit. If your environment were to ever be breached, it would be impossible to steal payment card data from it because your environment would have no payment card data to steal.

DataStealth is Different

A icon with a browser window with a gear icon inside.
No Application Changes

Never required to make any application changes to be deployed.

An icon of a browser window with "</>" symbol inside, a symbol for code.
No Code, Agents, or
Collectors to Install

Seamless deployment with no need to install agents, collectors, widgets on your servers or integrate with applications.

An icon for two people overlapped, one with a red outlined head.
No Changes to User Behavior

A transparent solution to users, systems, and processes.

a Demo

Let us show you how
DataStealth solves your most complex data challenges.